
Google Maps Mania : Japan View - Sep. 8, 2005

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on September 8, 2005.

Google Maps Mania - A Japan View

* This article was written actually on early morning of Sep 5th, JST, while strong typhoon Nabi is hitting us.

This is nagoyan the earthhopper from Okinawa, Japan.

I am just writing this while the strong typhoon Nabi is hitting us right now. Outside is nothing but severe wind and rain. We are pretty much prepared for typhoon generally and very few human damage in Okinawa, however, Nabi is one of the biggest in this decade. It looks like its course was slightly changed and doesn't hit me directly, but the worry continues for the other area.

Anyhow, this is quick edition of Japan View.

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Google Maps Mania : Japan View - Sep 2, 2005

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on September 2, 2005.

Google Maps Mania - The Japan View

This is nagoyan the earthhopper from Japan.

First I'd like to express my deepest sympathy for all of the people and communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Just watched ABC's World News Tonight and got heartbroken to see the sitution that there's no enough help. I've personally visited New Orleans a couple of times (for business and pleasure), and can't suffer with the reality when I remember such great and warm hospitalities in the city of Big Easy. Hope all will get enough support around the world ASAP, and we believe you can surely live strong and get over this disaster for the future, and bring back smiles like this sooner.

On the other hand, in Japan, September 1st was our National Disaster Prevention Day (huge earthquake hit Tokyo and killed more than 142,000 people on this day back in 1923), and most of us joined the drills and reconfirmed what's prepared. It's extremely important to prepare to the best of our ability BEFORE the disaster strikes. Now another big Typhoon #14 Nabi is going to hit us soon - Digital Typhoon provides KML to track it on Google Earth.

So here we go for today's edition of Japan View.

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Google Maps Mania : Japan View - Aug 27, 2005

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on August 27, 2005.
Google Maps Mania - The Japan View

Hi, this is nagoyan the earthhopper again, from Japan. We have recently got relatively large earthquakes near big cities - Tokyo and Sendai, and even big Typhoon #11 just hit the area around Tokyo (it's called Mawar, but we don't usually call them with human name). People are well prepared for fatal disaster like epicentral earthquake, but they are trying to be best in various ways - one of current best-selling book is the customized handy maps that instructs how to walk back home from central Tokyo just in case of disaster situation while many of lifelines are not available. This maps cover most of directions from major business districts where 4+ million people commutes from outside of Tokyo mostly by trains and subways, with good instructions where to get medical relief or food/water, and designated emergency evacuation areas, even where to avoid. I hope they could issue English one for sure.


So here we go for today's edition of Japan View.

posted by nagoyan at 11:57| Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | Google Maps Mania | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Google Maps Mania : Japan View - Aug 18, 2005

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on August 18, 2005.
Google Maps Mania - The Japan View

Hi, this is nagoyan the earthhopper from Japan. We are in the middle of political madness by Koizumi's gamble here in Japan - he called unscheduled national elections of House. The Judgement Day is September 11th. I expect a lot of analytical Google Maps mashup would be coming up, like this sample...

Anyhow, here is today's edition of Japan View.

posted by nagoyan at 00:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(1) | Google Maps Mania | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Google Maps Mania : the Japan View (8/9/2005)

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on August 09, 2005.
Google Maps Mania: the Japan View
Hi, this is nagoyan the earthhopper from Japan. Space Shuttle Discovery crews enjoyed one extra day with mostly free time in the space, so do we - to tracking them for one more day. We are all happy they just successfully landed. Welcome back home!

Anyhow, here we go for today's topics from Japan.

posted by nagoyan at 01:13| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Google Maps Mania | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Google Maps and mobile phone

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on August 06, 2005.
Google Maps Mania: the Japan View

Hi, here is another round up from Japan - on "Google Maps and mobile phone"

posted by nagoyan at 21:32| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Google Maps Mania | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Tracking back your blog entry onto Google Maps

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on August 04, 2005.
Google Maps Mania: Introducing the Japan View

Hi, I'm nagoyan the earthhopper from Japan. Per Morpeth's request, I am happy to talk about what kind of unique Google Maps Mashups are happening in Japan for Google Maps Mania readers...
It will be once a week round up and I'll write up right away if I encounter a really good stuff here in Japan.

Google Maps and Google Earth got me since it's release, same as many of you, and I really want to take advantage of them to get more excitement for what I am interested - just like following every stages of Tour de France or tracking every move of Space Shuttle Discover while watching NASA TV live...

So here we go for today's round up - "tracking back your blog entry to Google Maps".

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