すると、カトリーナ関連でいつもブログを読ませてもらっているジャーナリストの Kathryn Cramer から、コメントとメールをもらった。メールの直接引用は避けるが、要約すると
「カトリーナの被害状況を Google Earth で overlay した悲惨な衛星写真でたくさん見てきて、そこにあった多くの命が消えたという現実を再認識した。以前と同じ気持ちでこのような写真を見られなくなった。それは自然災害でも戦争でも同じだ」と言うものだった。
WWII Afterimage - Google Earth Overlays (KMZ)
* Hiroshima Atomic Bomb - Devastated Land
先述の Kathryn Cramer のブログより。
Kathryn Cramer: Deploying Google Earth Toward a New Relationship with History: The Case of Hiroshima
It seems to me that this technique has broad applications in historical photography and in helping us forge a new psychological relationship with history. Imagine these images covered with thousands of those little red Google pushpins with names, specific street addresses, with links to family photographs, personal correspondence:全くの同感だ。こういったドキュメンテーションが、改めて歴史の事実、そしてそこに生きた一人一人のストーリーがあることを再認識させるにも有効なのだろうと思う。
- "At that moment I was in the kitchen. My elder sister was sweeping the garden. Mother was changing Hiroko's diapers.";
- "When I reached my school, I realized that I had left something at home. Intending to go home, I went to the rear entrance of the school...";
- "When I was playing behind our house, I heard the buzzing of an airplane. When I looked up to see whether the plane was Japanese or American..."
And surely somewhere in the US archives are the "before" pictures taken for planning purposes.
We have the technology to remember all of those who can be documented and remember them as individuals, not just statistics. All through September, I have seen it. I have used it. Those who die in masses no longer need remain anonymous.
Photography Gallery "Hiroshima" by Hiromi Tsuchida
すいません、Google Earthのファイルが見れませんでした。もう、公開は終わられているのでしょうか?