No. 5 Tigers Rally Past No. 15 Arizona State, 35-31 -
TEMPE, Ariz. -- LSU wide receiver Early Doucet jumped past two Arizona State defenders and came down with a 39-yard touchdown reception from JaMarcus Russell with 1:13 to play to give the No. 5 Tigers an improbable 35-31 "home" victory.
Box Score
LSU(ルイジアナ州立大)はランキング5位の強豪だが、この日の開幕戦では格下とはいえ強豪のアリゾナ州立大(#15)に序盤からリードされる苦しい展開。しかし、4Q にフィールドゴールとパントのブロックからのリターンタッチダウンを2発決めて 21-17 と逆転。その後は TD の取り合いで逆転また逆転のすごい展開、しかし最後は残り1:13で39ヤードの逆転TDパスを決めての激勝! すごい!
新ヘッドコーチの Les Miles の言葉。「これは映画のシナリオじゃないよ」
LSU's victory brings bittersweet emotion - Associated Press
"This is not a made-for-TV movie," coach Les Miles said. "This was a real-life trauma where friends and family had to stay in the dorms and the town swelled to take in the New Orleans evacuees. We are treating people that are injured and disadvantaged 200 yards from our stadium. We have a scrimmage, and Blackhawk helicopters are flying people from New Orleans over our heads."
一方、NFL の New Orleans Saints は・・・
More than just a win -
Perhaps no team had more to play for in Week 1 than the New Orleans Saints. And with their city still in turmoil, the Saints came through with an inspirational win.Saints overcome tragedy, Panthers 23-20 -
Football is no longer a simple game for the New Orleans Saints. They'll play this season for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, a burden they'll carry every time they step on the field.Saints win emotional opener -
The Saints won for their deluged city and the displaced victims of the Gulf Coast region, getting two touchdowns from Deuce McAllister and a 47-yard field goal from John Carney with three seconds left in a 23-20 season-opening win over the Carolina Panthers.
"I don't think [the enormity] of it struck me until the game actually ended," said kicker John Carney, whose 47-yard field goal with 3 seconds remaining provided the Saints an exhilarating capper to a day when emotions ran high. "But all during the game, yeah, you could see that guys were emotional. You don't want to attach too much importance to it, you know, because it's still just a football game. But, sure, there was a sense that we were playing for more than ourselves today. We knew what this represented."こっちもすごい! 両チームとも決め手を欠いて最後まで一進一退の展開だったが、終盤パンサーズがフィールドゴールを2発決めて残り1:07で同点に追いついた。しかも同点FGは 46ヤードという長距離。ここから Saints の QB、Aaron Brooks がパスを投げまくり、最後は残り 3秒で John Carney がなんと 47ヤードを入れ返してサヨナラ勝ち! すごい!
自分は昨晩、米軍放送で別のゲームを見ながら、ネットラジオでこの試合を聞いていたのだが、本当に興奮した。Panthers は今年はだいぶ強いと目されているようだし、よく勝ったなあ・・・
9-11-05 Saints at Panthers - Photo Gallery
Saitns と New Orleans を応援する多くのファンの姿が見られる。
ニューオーリンズの被災者の人たちに、どれほど勇気を与えたことだろうか。心が奮い立つ思いだっただろう。本拠地を失い、大きなプレッシャーの中でプレーしなければならなかった Tigers と Saints。Saints の HC のJim Haslett も涙ぐみながら記者会見していたし、WR の
Gaora や ESPN Sports-i でもこのゲームの録画放送はないみたいなので、ESPN Sports Center あたりで見るしかないか・・・
両チームのこれからはまだ厳しい戦いが続く。Saints はとりあえず来週予定されていたスーパードームでの試合を相手の NY Giants 本拠地での away に振り替えているが、その後どうするかはまだ決まっていない。何とか、地元の人たちに勇姿を見せられるような形に早くなるといいのだが・・・
The New Orleans Saints Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund
Saints のカトリーナ復興基金。早速募金した。