
Google Maps Mania : Japan View - Sep. 8, 2005

* This article was contributed to Google Maps Mania on September 8, 2005.

Google Maps Mania - A Japan View

* This article was written actually on early morning of Sep 5th, JST, while strong typhoon Nabi is hitting us.

This is nagoyan the earthhopper from Okinawa, Japan.

I am just writing this while the strong typhoon Nabi is hitting us right now. Outside is nothing but severe wind and rain. We are pretty much prepared for typhoon generally and very few human damage in Okinawa, however, Nabi is one of the biggest in this decade. It looks like its course was slightly changed and doesn't hit me directly, but the worry continues for the other area.

Anyhow, this is quick edition of Japan View.

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iPod nano なんかいらねえ



iPod nano なんかいらねえよ。

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カトリーナの爪痕 - 逃げない人々


Remaining N.O. residents told to leave because of risk of fire, disease
Mayor Ray Nagin on Tuesday ordered all remaining New Orleans residents out of the city to escape sporadic fires and the growing threat of disease from standing water contaminated by toxic chemicals and rotting corpses.

Meanwhile, an Army Corps of Engineers official said it could take 80 days to pump out the billions of gallons of water that Hurricane Katrina poured into the New Orleans area Aug. 29.
CNN.co.jp : ニューオーリンズ市長、残留市民の強制退去を命令

posted by nagoyan at 16:46| Comment(3) | TrackBack(3) | Natural Disaster | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

こっそり来てた 中国の Google Maps?

以前にこの記事のタイトルだけ見たときは「あー 中国も Google Local 始まったのか・・・Google Maps はまだなんだな」とある意味勘違いしてしまった。ローカルマップもあるだが、まだ完全な Google Maps のサービスには仕上がってないようだ。

Search Engine Journal : Google Local Hustles in China
Google has launched a Chinese version of Google Local for residents of the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese Google Local is termed Google Bendi (Bendi is Mandarin and/or Cantonese for Local or ‘Natives’) and still in beta, Google Local China’s Beijing maps are powered by Mapabc.com.

Google Local China


Google Local China

地図自体は一応、Google Maps と同じ体裁になっているが、Google のロゴもないし、各国で物議をかもしているサテライトのボタンはやっぱりない(笑)。といっても Google Earth ではすでに北京だけは丸見えになってるのだけど(天安門広場)。

posted by nagoyan at 02:49| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Google Local | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
Google Groups Google-Maps-API-Japan(日本語)
アーカイブ - Google Group

The American Red Cross




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