Google Earth Community、Google Earth Hack ではここにファイルが集まっている。と、いろいろな Mashup が乱れ作られて収拾が付かなくなりかかっているようなので、Google、DigitalGlobe、GlobeXplorer の3社が協力して、カトリーナ被害の衛星写真を撮って出しでアップデートする、ある意味『公式 Mashup』を Google Earth、Google Maps、ImageAtlas をベースに大至急リリースすることを発表した。
Keyhole Community: Viewing forum: Current Events
Google Earth Hacks - File Downloads - Current Events - New Orleans Flood Overlays
DigitalGlobe : Hurricane Katrina Information
Dear Concerned Party,
First let the DigitalGlobe community say that all of the people and communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina are in our thoughts. We hope for the most rapid and best outcome possible for them all.
DigitalGlobe is aware of the extreme humanitarian need in the communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina and is making every effort possible to collect useable satellite imagery of the impacted areas. We have five potential satellite accesses planned for the next week.
Weather conditions permitting, this imagery will be posted on our website and available through our partners.
DigitalGlobe, Google and GlobeXplorer ( are working closely to provide the updated imagery via Google Maps, Google Earth, and the GlobeXplorer suite of products including ImageAtlas as quickly as is possible.
Please visit our website periodically throughout the next days in order to get updates on newly available imagery. For advanced satellite imagery and GIS users, please contact the reseller in your region by going to our reseller locator.
The DigitalGlobe Community
(9/3 追記 : 上記サイトと Google Earth 向け Overlay がリリースされた)
Google Earth - Hurricane Katrina Imagery
earthhopper: Google からカトリーナ被害地域の Google Earth 用公式衛星写真 Overlay がリリース